The NIS2 Directive of 2022 must be transposed into the legal system of each EU country, including Poland. In our country, the responsibility for initiating the legislative process lies with the Ministry of Digital Affairs.
According to the announcement of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digitization Krzysztof Gawkowski, the legislative process will be completed by the end of 2024. This means a delay of about two months in relation to the content of the directive, which assumed implementation into national law by October 17, 2024 at the latest.
And what is the situation in other countries? All indications are that NIS2 will be implemented in most EU countries with a delay and will be completed by March 2025, due to the level of complexity and the significant impact on the functioning of many companies and institutions.
Since the provisions of the directive are not directly implemented into the legal system, many entrepreneurs are wondering which path to choose.
Should we wait for the final content of the Act on the National Cybersecurity System, use the draft act, or use the content of the directive?
Using a draft bill seems to be the optimal solution because the requirements of the bill for most entrepreneurs will most likely not change during the legislative process.
As an experienced integrator of digital transformation solutions, INNERGO has the right experience and relevant expertise to support your organization in the process of adapting to NIS2.
Please feel free to contact us on: odkrywaj@innergo.pl