At the end of June, the world circulated another “TOP200 Polish Information and Communication Technology Market” ranking, published annually by Computerworld. This is the 27th edition of the report analysing the Polish IT sector. The development of companies and their position on the market were examined. How does the current situation look like compared to previous years? The Polish ICT sector is growing stronger after two weaker years – we read in the ranking.
With 102nd place, we have made significant progress compared to 2012, when we first appeared in the report with 235th place. This year Innergo celebrates its 10th anniversary. The report is an excellent reflection of our development from the early years of our business to the present day. Paweł Dąbroś, President of Innergo, says: “After 10 years, Innergo’s activity generates 100 million revenues and employs 100 people. Some people may think that for 10 years it was possible to achieve more, faster and in a different way – it may even be right. For us, however, these are not the most important indicators. In Innergo, we value who we have developed with over the years, what we represent now, and what values we adhere to. In the report, in addition to the statements, we will also read, among others, an interview with the president, in which he talks about Innergo’s activity, the importance of mobile solutions, prospects for further development of the IT sector, our recent implementations, as well as the company’s plans for the future. Our specialist Wojtek Gargul couldn’t miss the statement about the “Largest suppliers of mobile devices in 2018 – IT equipment”, in which our company took the 7th place. According to Wojtek, “Understanding the client’s business is the basis for successful implementation and this is what we follow in Innergo when implementing new projects”.
The report extracts rankings from various sectors to which IT solutions are delivered. One of the most important of our achievements is taking 46th place in the “Largest providers of IT solutions and services” ranking for the banking sector in 2018. Compared to the previous year, it is a result higher by as many as 20 positions. Our business has also expanded into the SME market – we became the 16th largest provider of IT solutions and services for the SME sector in 2018. The difference between this year’s edition and the 2018 edition is also observed in the field of network equipment suppliers. Innergo was ranked 11th in this ranking (2018 – 14th). We were also ranked 9th among the largest providers of telecommunications solutions and equipment in 2018.
It must be admitted that “Computerworld TOP200 Edition 2019”, gives us many reasons to be happy. Analyzing the above mentioned rankings, it is clear how Innergo is gaining more and more importance in the Polish IT sector. What will the next listing bring? We’ll find out as soon as next year.