On August 8, 2024, the Electrical and General Education School Complex in Krosno (ZSEiO) and INNERGO Systems Sp. z o.o. (INNERGO) signed a cooperation agreement on adapting the school’s teaching process to the needs of the labor market.
“The aim of the agreement is to ensure that our students gain practical knowledge in the field of broadly understood implementation and maintenance of IT systems,” emphasizes Marek Kubita, director of ZSEiO, ”We are convinced that thanks to this cooperation, students will not only be even better prepared to enter the labor market, but it will also make it easier for them to decide on further education.”
The parties have also agreed that the cooperation will also include:
a) preparation and modification of the curriculum for the profession;
b) improving vocational training for teachers, including support in organizing industry meetings and training;
c) supporting teachers in their professional development.
“In a world where digital transformation is already the standard in the vast majority of companies and organizations, both large and small, it is good practice for business and education to work together,” – emphasizes Mirosław Musiał, board member of INNERGO – “Every day brings new solutions, for example, recently we have been hearing a lot about solutions in the area of private 5G networks – which, for example, INNERGO was the first to implement for customers in Poland. Thanks to this cooperation, we want to give students the opportunity to gain practical experience and see how what they learn is useful in the performance of tasks in a company such as INNERGO, a provider of solutions supporting the development of IT systems.”
As part of the agreement, INNERGO also committed to:
- assisting the school in organizing practical vocational training, in particular apprenticeships and student internships;
- providing substantive support for the organization of vocational examinations;
- providing material equipment or retrofitting of school laboratories as far as possible.
“It will also be important for us that our teachers can benefit from the experience of INNERGO employees to provide career counseling for ZSEiO students,” adds Marek Kubita, ”And we will also use this to promote our school among primary school students and their parents. We want to show that no matter what the ZSEiO graduates will do in the future, the knowledge and practice they will acquire during their education will be useful in their professional work and will certainly allow them to better understand the areas of digital transformation. Such cooperation gives the School greater opportunities for vocational education and the company the opportunity to acquire better educated employees in the future.”
During the summer holidays, the first four students of Technical Secondary School No. 5 ZSEiO take part in a paid summer internship program in the IT Technical Support and Enterprise Networking departments.
Electrical and General Secondary School Complex in Krosno
The school was established in 1951 on the initiative of the OIL WORKERS’ DOMICILE CARE COMMITTEE, whose chairman was FRANCISZEK WÓJTOWICZ, and was named the Basic Electrical School of the Central Office of Vocational Training in Turaszówka, Krosno County.
In 1952, TADEUSZ KOZICKI became the school’s director. A boarding school for 40 students was organized. The school had four classrooms and 10 teachers.
In 1966, the first department of a 3-year TECHNICAL SCHOOL FOR ELECTRICAL SCHOOL GRADUATES was launched, and in 1970, a VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL with a mechanical and electrical profile was organized.
In 1974, the name was changed to the ELECTRICAL SCHOOL TEAM. Ten years later, the Post-Secondary Vocational School was established, educating high school graduates in the field of radio technology and television. An RTV Repair Center was opened for the purposes of educating students.
In 1991, the GRUNDSCHULEN (primary schools) were founded. In the school year, the pupils started in the school’s own maths and IT class. At that time, it was the only school in the region with a class of this kind within a vocational school.
In 2002/2003, the Electrical School Complex became HIGH SCHOOL No. 5, which consisted of Secondary School No. 3, Technical College for Electronics, Vocational Secondary School and Basic Vocational School.
The school changed its name again in 2018 and is now called: Zespół Szkół Elektrycznych i Ogólnokształcących (Electrical and General Education School Complex).
In 2023, a ceremony was held to commemorate the naming of the school after General Stanisław Maczek.
INNERGO Systems Sp. z o.o. to firma ze 100% polskim kapitałem, działająca od 2009 roku. Specjalizuje się w złożonych projektach z zakresu systemów telekomunikacyjnych i teleinformatycznych, w tym rozwiązań sieciowych, systemów przetwarzania danych, systemów komunikacji, infrastruktury Data Center, cyfrowej transformacji służby zdrowia, prywatnych sieci 5G a także rozwiązań mobilnych oraz jest autoryzowanym sprzedawcą produktów i właścicielem autoryzowanego serwisu urządzeń Apple.
W ofercie posiada również rozwiązania takich firm, jak Samsung, Motorola, Dell, Lenovo.
INNERGO ma oddziały w Warszawie, Wrocławiu, Krakowie, Gdyni, Rzeszowie i Krośnie.
Od początku działalności INNERGO zrealizowało ponad 2500 projektów dla klientów, z różnych sektorów gospodarki, w 11 krajach, współpracują z takimi liderami światowymi branży IT, jak HPE, Aruba, Nokia, Fortinet, Ascom.